Edito : French presidential election - What to do on April 24 and what to achieve afterwards
It was close for the French to have a real choice on April 24 between two democratic candidates. Maybe not exciting, but democratic ; in spite of Macron’s Jupiterian, haughty and condescending posture and Mélenchon’s sympathies for various dictators, populist postures and sovereignist drifts.
But, it is not finally the choice that is imposed on us ; and, unfortunately, this choice is crystal clear and we must use the Macron ballot to forbid Le Pen to the access power, worthy heiress of her fascist father and mask of the Nazi and negationist Éric Zemmour ;
Voting blank, null or abstaining would be the same as voting Le Pen, and we would have preferred that the boss of the "angry not fascists", Mélenchon, and Poutou, would not have been satisfied with refusing the vote Le Pen. Indeed, not a single vote should be missing to ensure the defeat of Le Pen, in order to :
- not to stab in the back the Ukrainian Resistance against Putin’s aggression ;
- not to make France the ally of Russian imperialism and the illiberal democracies of Poland, Hungary or others ;
- not to let the Rule of Law be destroyed in France or in Europe ;
- not to continue, after the Brexit, the dissolution of the European integration process by an exit of France from the EU and the Euro, inexorable consequence of the implementation of the Le Pen’s program.
But, federalist shall also demand :
to delete the liberticidal articles of our constitution : n° 16 (state of emergency) and n° 36 (State of siege) ;
to replace, finally, "nationalist and authoritarian" Constitution(Spinelli, "Appeal to the French" to vote no to the referendum of September 1958 and to the constitution of de Gaulle) by a VI° Republic ;
to grant the regions a real legislative and financial autonomy as requested, after Corsica, unanimously by the Regional council of Bretagne but the Front national elected representatives ;
at the same time, launch a constituent process at the European level on the basis of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and support the German government’s proposal for a "decentralized European federal State" gathering the willing countries in order to build the nucleus of a European federation capable of acting as a power of peace and balance in Europe and in the world, and anticipating the World Federation.