
, par Chloé Fabre

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Commune, Fédéchoses looks at the links between anarchism and federalism with the republication of a text by Arnaud Marc-Lipiansky which analyses the Commune from the federalist point of view and the work of Bakunin. This text, as well as the one by our late friend Jean-Pierre Gouzy which introduces our dossier, was published in L’Europe en formation, the journal of the International Centre for European Federalism (CIFE) on the occasion of the centenary of the Commune in 1971. This dossier is also an opportunity to recall that several communes took place, notably in Marseilles, and our mood note underlines the Jacobin dimension of the writing of "national history". This dossier concludes with a very detailed analysis by Mariane Enckell on the federalist aspects of anarchist thought.

The autumn of 2021 will also be the year of the COP 26 in Glasgow, a few months after the publication of the latest IPCC report. Pour le fédéralisme - Fédéchoses reprints several federalist articles on environmental issues, echoing its August 2019 issue 182 dossier. This issue highlights the World Federalist Movement’s adoption at its June online conference of a resolution calling for "the creation of a World Court for the Environment where international law is above national laws and applies universally" ; a resolution also calling on its member associations to work with climate justice movements and actors and coalitions working on climate change.


For Michel Barnier, the so-called lifelong European, the Élysée Palace is worth a Frexit ! The obsession of the ex-Commissioner and outstanding Brexit negotiator, candidate for the 2022 presidential elections, with the need to take control of France’s "uncontrolled" migration policy has led him to propose a "moratorium" in order to put a "stop to the excesses, to the laisser-aller". Concretely, he calls for "a referendum" organised with two objectives : "parliamentary control over immigrant quotas" and "a constitutional shield" to "regain our freedom of manoeuvre".
He also called for the recovery of "our legal sovereignty".
These challenges to European rules and justice are unacceptable !