Editorial - Fédéchoses 177

You will find in this issue our main «Féd’actualité» and two «Focus», the usual papers by Michel Theys and Alain Réguillon, an Interview of Rainer Wieland, European MP and Europa Union (UEF Germany) President; our Bibliography with three articles on the recent book by Alessandro Bresolin, Albert Camus : L’union des diversités, published by Presse Fédéraliste. For the second time, five articles are in English (cf. our Table of contents, p. 2).

State, Nation, Self-Determination, Autonomy… (Catalonia)

We intended to address jointly both situations in Catalonia and Kurdistan; their complexities have lead us to dissociate the two and we will come back in our next issue on the various Kurdistans and the Kurd People (the major «People without State» worldwide; entirely divided into several National Minorities and a diaspora… !) and on the «Democratic Confederalism» way of organization attempt presently under course in the Rojava Region of Syria.

European Union and the 2019 European Elections

Three major texts by Paolo Ponzano, Dusan Sidjanski and Pierre Jouvenat (two having been, or the last one going to be published in English by The Federalist Debate) and, among others, two by Florent Banfi (UEF France’s President) and Marion Larché on the Democratic Conventions (the last one in English).

United Nation, International Justice, Women’s and Human Rights, COPLA and International Crime

To be noted the paper by Professor Joseph E. Schwartzberg (Director of the Workable World Trust, Minnesota, with which Presse Fédéraliste signed recently a partnership agreement 2017–2018) for reforming the binding Status of UNGA Resolutions and several others on International Justice and COPLA against International Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean; also in English the Tribute by Jean-Claude Jüncker to Helmut Kohl. For the first some of these texts having been published earlier by Mondial, the new WFM International Secretariat Newsletter.

Good reading and all best wishes for 2018… Thanking you in advance for your eventual subscriptions!
