Editorial - Fedechoses 181 - April 2019
Few days before the 9th direct elections of the European Parliament, Fédéchoses devotes a dossier to the 20th anniversary of the Euro. It underlines the congenital difficulties of a single currency without fiscal and political integration. Two articles give food for thought to build a green and social Europe on which we will come back soon following the footprint of the New Deal 4 Europe campaign with a new European Citizens’ Initiative. This dossier is far from the mediocre on-going electoral campaign which does not or little touch big topics for Europe.
Fédéchoses also, takes a step back and offer you to read excellent articles on the world we live in. In a special dossier, we come up to Human rights in an insecure world and up to the harmful effects of nationalism, especially in Cambodia in the past and in India today.
At Europe’s borders, several articles relate to Middle East and to the African continent.
Finally, some of our authors offer ways to improve and democratise the international governance. Last but not least, you will also find our traditional rich bibliography section.
This new publication participates in building a more open, more integrated and more federal world, far from the pathetic pub-talks of this electoral campaign.
We recall that none of the pro-European vote can get lost on the multiple nationalistic or Europhobic lists. The choice remains wide between several pro-European lists among which some have federalist connotations, from republican right-wing to Lutte Ouvrière (left-wing internationalists).
We wish you a pleasant reading !